1. Even by modern standards, the 46,000 ton Titanic was a colossal ship.

2. Even by modern standards, the 46,000 ton Titanic was a colossal ship.
    却使用现代标准来衡量,46,000 吨的"泰坦尼克"号与算得上一艘巨轮了。

3. Bill: That´s the ship we travelled on.
    比尔: 这就是我们旅行乘坐的船.

4. But there were times when not a single piece of dry wood could be found and even Humboldt lay with his eyes wide open, listening to the roars of the beasts that surrounded them.

5. Bill had carried his gold to the end; he would carry Bill's gold to the ship. Ha-ha! He would have the last laugh on Bill.

6. Building that second house or apartment used lots of resources and created lots of construction rubbish.

7. For the sunken ship he was trying to find had been carrying a precious cargo of gold bullion.

8. Wood and stone are building materials.

9. Without a rudder, the ship was not navigable.

10. Wood does not sink in water, it floats.
    木头在水中不沉, 而是漂在水面.